Our Work

Technical & Designer Training

The Falah Handicraft Society collaborates with partner companies to provide artisans with technical and design training. Through various programs, we aim to enhance their skills and capabilities. These initiatives include workshops, seminars, and hands-on training sessions conducted by experts in the field. Our goal is to empower artisans with the latest techniques and trends, ensuring they stay competitive and innovative. By investing in their professional development, we help them improve the quality and marketability of their handcrafted products. This not only benefits the artisans but also promotes the growth and sustainability of traditional crafts.

Marketing Programme

Awareness Programs

The Flora Handicraft Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting handicraft and artisanal products. They organize various awareness programs aimed at promoting:
Handicraft and Artisanal Product Awareness
Exhibitions and Sales: Showcasing a diverse range of handicraft and artisanal products. Workshops and Demonstrations: Organizing workshops for artisans to demonstrate traditional crafting techniques.
Medical Awareness
Health Camps: Providing free medical check-ups, consultations, and basic treatment for artisans and their families.
Environmental Awareness
Eco-friendly Craft Workshops: Promoting the use of sustainable and environmentally friendly materials in handicrafts.
Other Activities
Educational Support Programs: Offering scholarships, educational materials, and afterschool tuition for artisans’ children.
Collaboration: Collaborating with local governmental bodies, health institutions, environmental organizations, and educational institutions.

In this way, the Flora Handicraft Society contributes to the prosperity and sustainability of its community by spreading awareness across various domains.

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